When Rhea-Rhea was feeling sad about losing her hair from Radiation Therapy,
My Dad immediately shaved his head in support.
(Yes, my dad is a rockstar)
Rhea-Rhea immediately got herself an AMAZING wig.
That everyone wanted a turn wearing.
Okay, Dad didn't really "want" a turn... we kinda forced him.
But Meadow, on the other hand, is already scheming for her next Princess Party hairstyle.
It almost looked natural on Heaven.
Secret didn't know what to think. From "baldy-locks" to "goldy-locks" in an instant.
River was more than a little excited to be one of "2 long haired boys".
Personally, I think the wig looks the best on Rhea-Rhea. (although, Heaven is a close second and River is definitely within placing range)
Monday, April 13, 2009
I Want A Turn!
Posted by Jared and Jenny at 2:38 PM