Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Fun Week of Partying with the Hills!

Maxi and the kids came to visit from Kansas and we LOVED every minute we got to spend with them. So much, that we miss them already!

The Best-est Buddies in the Whole Wide World=River and Zane

The Happily Engaged Couple= Raven and Rozy (They have been "engaged" for at least 2 years now. Jared and I don't mind Raven having a long distance engagement, and kind of hope it lasts through Jr. High and High School... that way we can avoid the "girlfriend" thing as long as possible!)
Swimming at "Nana's Pool" (We were so glad Maxi's parents were willing to share them with us!)
Meadow and Heaven loved having a friend their size (well okay, Paizley is WAY smaller than either of them) to play with.

Movie Party with LOTS of popcorn (a Hill Kid's MUST!) And... NO the boys aren't naked, they are in their swimsuits.
Girls Night Out at P.F. Changs. Come on Maxi... just move back! What's so great about Kansas, anyway?!