Thursday, January 8, 2009

Calling All Angels...

This is my beautiful, baby sister, Rhea-Rhea. It is a well known fact that Rhea-Rhea IS an ANGEL. All who know her will agree.
100% Angel. 100% Fact.

We just found out there is a tumor in her brain.
She was in a car accident a few weeks ago. She felt fine, but started having headaches. She decided to schedule an MRI to see if her spinal damage (from a previous wake boarding injury) was worse. Well, it was. She has a herniated disc in her neck. This will need surgery in the future. However, the doctor said the spinal damage is secondary to the (surprise) tumor they found in her brain.

This is what we know:
*The tumor is "likely" a low-grade glioma (this is the technician's best guess).
*It is located in the left lateral frontal lobe cortex (translation: left side of her brain, toward the front).
*It is 2.5 cm.
*She has an appointment on January 28th with Dr. Robert Spetzler, a world-renowned neurosurgeon, who specializes in brain tumors. He is the director and chair of Neurological Surgery at the Barrow Neurological Institute at St. Joseph's Hospital. Yes, she's in good hands.
*She has a long road of treatments (that will most likely involve radiation to shrink the tumor) and recovery ahead of her.

This is what we don't know:
*Whether or not the tumor is cancerous.
*What her treatment and recovery will look like (a lot depends on what is determined by the specialist).

This is what we need:
And how 'bout loaning us YOUR ANGELS for a while?

Rhea-Rhea is amazing. She can already see the blessing of the car accident in allowing the doctor to find the tumor. She has a strong testimony of the power of prayer and healing. She KNOWS that Heavenly Father is a God of miracles. She is literally surrounded by so many angels (I can feel them), both earthly and heavenly. For this we are grateful.

Thank-you for joining your prayers, love and faith with the prayers, love and faith of my family in behalf of my baby sister.
I will update this post as we find out more information.
Love. Love. Love. That's what this life is really all about. Thanks for sharing yours with us.