When Meadow discovered my intentions of painting our white flower boxes black, she burst into tears and said, "They can't be black!" (you see, black is even worse than white)
Me: "What color did you think I was going to paint them?"
Meadow: "PINK!" (with the look of "Duh!" on her face)
As you can guess, Meadow got her wish.
Now every night before the girls go to bed, they:
Give their flowers a drink,
And a kiss,
And sing them a song.
(while posing foxily for a picture, sometimes)
Just in case the gi-normous white van isn't a dead giveaway of where we live...
The hot-pink flower boxes on the balcony seal the deal.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
2 Pink Flowerboxes and 2 Happy Girls
Posted by Jared and Jenny at 3:27 PM